Singing Guide: Nashville Cast

Singing Guide: Nashville Cast

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like the Nashville Cast

If you are a country music fan, the chances are you have watched an episode or two of Nashville, the musical drama series that revolves around the lives and careers of country music superstars. Singers and actors on Nashville demonstrate a unique vocal technique that sets them apart from the rest of the world. If you would like to learn to sing like the Nashville cast, or at least come close to it, we have prepared a guide that will help.

Find Your Voice Type and Vocal Range

Before we dive deep into the vocal technique, it is essential to understand your voice type, range, and tessitura. Nashville singers have different voice types and ranges, so it is vital to know where you fit. Singing Carrots has an easy-to-use vocal range test that can help you determine your range as compared to 20 famous singers such as Luke Bryan, George Strait, and Reba McEntire.

Perfect Your Twang and Growling

In country music, twang is that Southern-fried sound of a voice. It is one of the essential vocal styles that identifies country songs. To twang, say the word "y'all" in a high pitched and extended manner and feel your nasal cavities at work. For practice, follow the "How to Twang Exercise" video.

Growling, on the other hand, is a vocal technique that involves pushing air through gritted teeth to create a rough-edged sound. The "How to Growl Exercise" video is a helpful resource to familiarize yourself with how to growl without straining your voice.

Master Your Voice Registers and Vocal Break

Learning how to use your vocal registers correctly is essential in singing like the Nashville cast. The chest voice is the deepest and most resonant register in singing, but knowing how to smoothly transition to the mixed voice and head voice is crucial in singing in higher keys. The "Voice Break" and "Mixed Voice" videos can help you understand how to do this.

Learn with Practice Exercises and Games

The Pitch Training Educational Singing Game is the perfect tool to practice your pitch accuracy. This game assists singers in developing their relative pitch, besides learning to match pitch and improve their singing speed and accuracy. The "3 Minute Warm Up" and "Sustain Vocal" videos are useful exercises to practice your breathing, sustain, and belting techniques.

Select the Right Song and Practice

Choose a song by one of your favorite Nashville cast vocalists from the Singing Carrots songbook. Plenty of songs are available in varying keys and genres, and you can even search for songs that match your vocal range and difficulty level. Start with a simple melody, learn the lyrics, and then record yourself singing. Evaluate your performance and compare it with the original Nashville cast recording.

Embrace the Nashville Vocal Technique - Your Authentic Style

Keep in mind that singing like the Nashville cast involves adopting a unique vocal style, but it is crucial to embrace your authentic voice. Refer to "How to Find Your Authentic Voice" and "Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking" for more information.

Ready to Learn to Sing Like the Nashville Cast?

Thanks to Singing Carrots, you have the resources at your fingertips to practice and learn singing like the Nashville Cast. With the right guidance and commitment, you may bring out your inner country superstar.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.